
Heyy, whoever you are that has stumbled across my blog you obviously care enough about what I have to say to read my 'About' page; that or you are incredibly bored. If it's the latter option go on youtube type in "cats" , "laughing babies" or "they're taking the hobbits to isengard ten hour version" and have fun! If you are the former who would like to know more about me read on...

I'm Laura there are several places you can find me on the internet here is my tumblr where you can find all links and such. If you wish to contact me directly use this lauragraham28@fsmail.net

My posts will probably make me out to be a complete bitch but I assure you that in real life I try my hardest not to be. And if you want to talk to me I will be nice. I guess I'm pretty cynical for a girl my age but in the world we live in I guess it's hard not to be. My posts on here are going to be a mix of the crap in the world and some of the really good stuff that's in it.

Feel free to comment on my posts or email me because I really do love feedback whether it's positive or negative, and I love to talk to people about there views/opinions on things because I understand that my opinion is just one in millions of different ones.

My Profile: http://www.blogger.com/profile/14952644824396947159